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Delicious & Quick Recipes for Oktoberfest Entertaining

Labor Day has come and gone, but don’t unpack your Halloween decorations just yet – there’s another seasonal event to celebrate first: Oktoberfest! Oktoberfest is the world’s largest Volksfest (aka beer festival and travelling funfair), held annually in Munich, Germany and celebrated in smaller capacities in cities around the world and across the United States. Oktoberfest festivities typically run from mid or late September to the first weekend in October and feature traditional Bavarian drink, food and entertainment. Can’t make it to Munich (or your closest local Oktoberfest celebration) this year? Not to worry – we’ve got three super easy Volksfest-inspired recipes to help you create that Bavarian magic at home.

Succulent Supper 

Sauerkraut (finely cut, fermented cabbage) and potatoes are two major staples in Oktoberfest cuisine. Grab a few cans each of Libby’s® SauerkrautandWhole White Potatoes to make this Pork, Sauerkraut & Potato Skillet Supper. It’s a hearty, succulent one-pot meal that keeps for up to a week in the fridge. Make an extra big batch and stretch out your Oktoberfest celebrations over multiple days. You’ll be just like revelers in Munich, where festivities last from 16 to 18 days.

Super Speedy Sauerkraut

Tight on time this Oktoberfest season? The solution is in this Skillet Ham and Sauerkraut, an authentic and delicious seven-ingredient dish that can be pulled together in less than 30 minutes – no joke! Libby’s® Sauerkraut plays the starring role alongside juicy ham and softened apples. (Fun fact: apples play a big role in Oktoberfest entertaining as well, both in savory dishes like this and in sweet desserts!).

Sausage Symphony 

Yet another star ingredient in Oktoberfest dining? Sausage. Instead of eating the meat by itself—which is how it’s usually consumed at Oktoberfest festivals—combine it with your favorite Libby’s® products in a veggie-laden stew! This Vegetable Sausage Soup brings together a delectable combo of spices (think: oregano, basil and marjoram), healthy veggies (we’re talking Libby’s® Cut Green Beans, Sliced Carrots, Whole White Potatoes green peppers) and of course, sausage, for a meal that’s bottom-of-the-bowl-licking-good. Freeze leftovers and enjoy the taste of Oktoberfest throughout the year!

New Libby’s® Vegetable Pouches Help Deliver Dinner in a Flash

Marion, N.Y. (September 7, 2016) Libby’s® Fruits & Vegetables announced today the launch of brand-new Libby’s®  Vegetable Pouches, which will begin rolling out at retailers across the country. A first for the vegetable market, Libby’s® Vegetable Pouches will sit alongside their canned counterparts on the shelf, but cook in less than 60 seconds in their own pouch – no pots or heating containers needed. The result: hot, nutritious vegetables in a flash and more time to enjoy food and family.

“Although most parents know vegetables are healthy, they are served at only 23 percent of dinners[1]. Libby’s understands that parents need options for bringing vegetables to the table that they can feel good about and that help preserve important family time,” said Bruce Wolcott, Vice President of Marketing for Seneca Foods. “New Libby’s®  Vegetable Pouches bring farm-fresh goodness to busy families, providing a wholesome addition that cooks quickly and is easy to enjoy together.”  

Libby’s designed these state-of-the-art, lightweight pouches containing Libby’s® Vegetables to make preparing and serving hot vegetables more convenient than ever. Libby’s® Vegetable Pouches:

  • Come in five family favorites – Sweet Peas, Cut Green Beans, Sliced Carrots, Whole Kernel Sweet Corn and Mixed Vegetables – and are all grown and packed in the United States
  • Stand up straight, are flexible, easy to open and fit nicely into kitchen cabinets, taking up less space  
  • Are shelf-stable – no need for refrigeration
  • Can be served hot or cold, by themselves or as the star ingredient in side dishes, appetizers and other recipes

To introduce the new Vegetable Pouches, Libby’s is teaming up with Donatella Arpaia, Celebrity Chef, Restaurateur and Head Judge on Food Network’s Iron Chef America, to develop exclusive recipes featuring the Vegetable Pouches. Arpaia’s recipes will be featured in the Libby’s® Digital Recipe Box, among hundreds of others that provide quick and easy ideas for preparing and serving vegetables.

“As a working mom, I know firsthand how tough it can be to get the wholesome goodness of vegetables on the dinner table after a busy day,” said Arpaia. “Libby’s® Vegetable Pouches are the perfect solution for these time-crunched moments, as they’re an easy, quick, healthy and delicious addition to side dishes, main courses and even appetizers. I can’t wait to share my new Vegetable Pouches recipes with other busy parents.”

About Libby’s® Fruits & Vegetables

Libby’s, the nation’s second largest brand of canned vegetables, has been a staple on American dinner tables since the 1880s. With 117 product varieties, Libby’s offers among the industry’s most complete lines of canned fruit and vegetables, including Libby’s® Naturals, which contain no added sugar or salt. Since 1983, Libby’s® Fruits & Vegetables have been produced and distributed by Marion, N.Y. based Seneca Foods Corporation, an independent, publicly traded, fully integrated food processing company. For more information on Libby’s and Seneca Foods visit For information on Libby’s mission, visit, like Libby’s on Facebook, or follow @LibbysTable on Twitter or Pinterest.


[1] Wansink B, Shimizu M, and Brumberg A. How vegetables make the meal: their hedonic and heroic impact on perceptions of the meal and of the preparer. Public Health Nutrition. 2016. Available at: 

A “Toast" to Summer: Spreadable Snacks & Dips

School’s out, the kids are home and the weather is heating up – all signs that summer is here! And that doesn’t just mean it’s time to get out the beach toys and roller blades. It’s also time to try some new summer recipe! Dips and spreads are perfect when the temperatures start to rise. Whether you’re throwing a backyard barbeque with your family and friends or whipping up yummy snacks for the kids, these are a few dishes that everyone can enjoy this summer.

Layer on the Fun 

Take a lesson from Iron Chef Donatella Arpaia and combine your favorite veggies into one delicious dip. This summer get colorful with her recipe for Seven Layer Dip. With seven full-flavored layers, your friends and family will be raving about every bite. From the Libby’s Whole Kernel Sweet Corn® to the Cut Green Beans®, this dip is packed with mouthwatering flavors and nutrients. Enjoy this at your next party with tortilla chips or veggies!

Turn Up the Heat

Spice things up with this Smoky Skillet Hot Corn Dip, perfect for topping on crackers, bread or endive. This flavorful dip satisfies taste buds with the combination of cheeses paired with hot jalapenos and Libby’s Whole Kernel Sweet Corn®.

Switch It Up


Step out of your mayo and mustard comfort zone and mix it up with unique sandwich toppers, like Smoky Carrot Hummus Sandwich Spread.  Incorporating veggies into lunchtime favorites is a simple and tasty way to ensure your family is getting the nutrients they need in the most satisfying way possible! If you’re looking for something lighter, layer it on toast or crackers – making the spread the star of your meal.

Super Summer Salads


Nothing beats a refreshing, satisfying salad at the end of a long, hot summer day. Let the official one-dish meal of the season help you shift into a summer state of mind. Salads are one of the few dishes that can be customized for every taste preference. Quick, easy and delicious, here are some summer salad recipes for every member of your family.   


The Adventurer For those salad lovers who like to venture outside of their comfort zones, there are plenty of ways to mix up your menu this summer. Need inspiration? Take this Pea, Ricotta and Bacon Salad for a spin this summer. 

The TraditionalistWhen you’re looking for a dish that is guaranteed to please the masses, lean on the family favorite recipes. Check out our recipe for Taco Salad, livened up with Libby’s® Whole Kernel Sweet Corn and Libby’s® Organic Black Beans. 

The MinimalistWe all know that person who finds flavor and taste in the simplest ingredients. Adding Libby’s vegetables to salads contributes the perfect amount of flavor. Try this recipe for Green Bean & Tomato Salad this summer or kick it up a notch with Easy Three Bean Salad.

Celiac Disease Awareness Month: Living a full life without gluten

By Kristin Kessler, Registered Dietician 

For most of us, consuming foods like bread, pasta, and tortillas is not a problem. However, for about 1% of the population the protein called gluten can cause major gastrointestinal damage1. Luckily, fruits and vegetables are gluten-free! In honor of May as Celiac Disease Awareness Month, here are some helpful tips and gluten-free recipes that everyone can enjoy. 

 Scrumptious Substitutes


Thankfully there are plenty of foods available at the grocery store to help fill the gluten gap. Brown rice and corn tortillas are excellent replacements for whole wheat foods. Try this Creamy Coconut & Veggie Brown Rice Pilaf with Honey Roasted Pecans or Corn and Crab Salad Tortilla Cups for your next weekday meal. Really craving bread or pasta? There are more choices than ever made from gluten-free ingredients such as brown rice bread and quinoa pasta. 

Read the Label 


The trickiest part of following a gluten-free diet is often the “hidden” gluten. Opt for gluten-free soy sauce, such as Tamari-style sauce, marinades and dressings. If you’re not sure whether something has gluten in it or not, look at the ingredient list, searching for key words such as “wheat,” “malt,” and “spelt.” This recipe for Quick and Healthy Fried Quinoa with Mixed Vegetables is a wonderful recipe that can easily be adapted to be gluten-free by using Tamari-style sauce instead of soy sauce.

Now that you’ve learned the hard stuff, the great news is that Libby’s fruit and vegetables are all naturally gluten-free! Use them to fill any dish without having to worry. Since a deficiency in fiber intake can be a concern for gluten-free diets, the fiber found in fruits, vegetables, and beans will not only keep you full for longer between meals but is also great for your health!

1 Celiac Disease: Fast Facts. (2015, April 29). Retrieved from Celiac Central:

Celebrate Earth Day the Libby’s Way!


While everybody is looking for new ways to live more sustainably, the classic three Rs – reduce, reuse, and recycle – are always reliable! Just in time for Earth Day, which takes place each year on April 22nd,  we have compiled three simple ways you can go green!



Not only are veggies good for you, they’re good for the environment! It takes approximately 29 gallons of water to produce a pound of vegetables. Compare that to the 1,850 gallons needed for a single pound of beef. Consider making more of your meals meatless. You and your family won’t feel like something is missing with a hearty dish such as Individual Herbed Vegetable Pot Pies.


Reuse household items, like Libby’s cans, to create arts and crafts! Once painted and decorated, steel cans make excellent planters.  You can then incorporate your home-grown herbs into recipes, like this one for Turkey Pasta Salad with Basil Dressing.


Sometimes it’s hard to tell what items can be recycled. Cardboard, paper, food boxes, glass bottles, jars, jugs, plastic bottles and caps, and, of course, cans can all be recycled. Libby’s cans are made with 100% steel, so you never have to question how to best dispose of them.

Be sure to involve your kids in your Earth Day initiatives. It’s a great way to make them excited about the importance of preparing meals, watering plants, or taking out the trash. You might feel more enthusiastic about these chores too, knowing your small changes are helping make the world a little greener!